The Thamshavn Line

A nostalgic journey aboard the world’s oldest alternating current powered railway.

An exciting activity for groups at Bårdshaug Herregård.

A journey aboard the Thamshavn Line offers a nostalgic journey back in time, and with the train as your starting point, there are many exciting possibilities. Enjoy a brief aperitif on the train round trip from Bårdshaug to Fannrem before a majestic evening at Bårdshaug Herregård, or take the train to Løkken Verk and combine the trip with visits to the mines or museums. The excursion can also include dining at Sans Bergmannskroa, and upon request it may be possible to have dinner at Orkla Gjestebolig – Orkla’s former main office and guest residence in Løkken.

Thamshavn Line was opened by King Haakon on July 10, 1908, and attracted international attention. It was the first railway with electric operation in Norway and the first successful railway with alternating current operation in the world. The railway stretches from Orkanger to Løkken and was originally used to transport goods, timber, ore, and people between Thamshavn and the mines at Løkken. The railway also played a role in history during World War II. Today it`s a museum railway, and during the summer months, it offers a unique journey through history and the valley.

We are happy to tailor a program with the Thamshavn Line for your group, based on the group’s preferences and schedule. This is an experience well worth experiencing!

For enkeltreisende

During the summer season, the Thamshavn Line operates trips between Bårdshaug Station and Løkken at set times on Saturdays and Sundays. You can find the schedule and ticket prices here: Thamshavn Line 

The story of Bårdshaug Herregård and Christian Thams:  Omvisning og historiefortelling
Dinner with historical settings:  Herskapelig aften