Orklaparken South

Orkla, Thamshavn Line and Fannremsgården

Orklaparken is a nice, wide, gravel path that runs along the Orkla River. Starting from Bårdshaug Herregård, you can either walk or rent electric bikes from us. You can take the route towards Fannrem, towards Råbygda, or downwards towards Gammelosen and the fjord. All three are beautiful routes with different things to see, and it’s also quite achievable to combine all these routes into one.


From Bårdshaug Herregård, first make your way to the path along the river. Then head past Amfi shopping center, towards Fannrem and Forve bridge. Follow along the river until you reach Forve bridge. This route offers beautiful scenery and pleasant resting spots. Along the way, you’ll also pass Bårdshaug Herregård’s salmon fishing grounds, Fandrem 1, and Gjelørene. The fishing grounds are most easily accessible from the opposite side of the river

As you approach Forve bridge, turn left towards Fannrem town center. You will now need to cross the historical Thamshavn Line near Fannrem station. If you’re there at the right time, you might see the train. You can also ride back to Bårdshaug station or continue your journey up to Løkken Verk. If you choose to continue your ride, stay on the sidewalk along Orkdalsveien. After a couple of minutes, you’ll reach Fannremsgården. Here, Jon Fredrik Skauge produces sour cream and butter, among other things, for the Michelin-starred restaurant Credo in Trondheim. Inside the farmyard, you can visit the small shop Reinhekla, which offers exciting handicrafts and traditional crafts.

Continue your ride along the sidewalk. After a few minutes, you will cross E39 and reach Follo. Here you will pass Orkdal Videregående Skole. From 1923 until the mid-1960s, this was one of Norway’s 12 national secondary schools established to provide education to rural youth. The school was occupied and used as a camp for German soldiers during the war. At the end of the war, 600 soldiers were quartered in the school buildings. The school has since been expanded and now has around 500 students.

After Follo, the journey continues through the residential area of Evjen before returning to Bårdshaug and Bårdshaug Herregård.

Now you can continue your ride or end your trip, perhaps with something good food or drinks.

  • The trip is approximately 8 km long
  • You determine the duration of the trip
  • Rental includes a helmet, bike bag, and bike lock