A majestic manor with an intriguing history

The beginning
Bårdshaug farm was built on Bårdshaugen in 1860. Christian Thams purchased the farm in 1890 and began its renovation. It took 14 years before the extensive work was completed. The result was a distinctive manor and a unique sight in the countryside. Today's Bårdshaug is largely preserved as it was in Thams' time, with a blend of international architecture and national romantic tradition, in styles ranging from Norse to Louis XVI. The furnishings and decorations from all parts of the world tell much about the man who lived there.

Baronesse de Spengler
During his studies in Switzerland, Christian Thams met a young Dutch-born baroness, Sarah Sybille Francoise Antoinette Eleonore Baronesse de Spengler. They married on August 25, 1886, when he was 19 and she was 18 years old. She was a beautiful, independent, and modern woman with a penchant for the artistic aspects of singing and theater. During Thams' many gatherings at Bårdshaug, she was most interested in the cultural aspects.
Do you want to live like a baroness? Read more about the hotel package here

Third-generation hosts at Bårdshaug Herregård
We are the third generation of hosts at Bårdshaug Herregård. We grew up with our parents in the hotel business, spending all our childhood and teenage years here in Orkland. This is where we played when we were little and where we had various summer and part-time jobs over the years. After spending a few years each in different locations outside the valley, we made the decision to return home in 2015 and take over the management of the hotel. We love countryside and the business and want to contribute to its further development. We have many ideas for the future and dream of making this one of the country's best historical hotels.

Bårdshaug Herregård today and looking ahead
The manor is now part of the hotel operations at the family-owned Bårdshaug Herregård, and the beautiful parlors on the first floor are frequently used as banquet halls, just as they were in Thams' time.
Did you know?
As the home of the entrepreneur and global figure Christian Thams, the manor is part of an intriguing history—not only about the Thams dynasty but also about industry, innovation, exports, royals, workers, and much more. To experience more of the Thams history in the Orkdal region, we also recommend a trip with the Thamshavn railway up to the mines at Løkken.
Reisen til Bårdshaug Herregård

Orkanger ligger ved E39, og er et knutepunkt i regionen. På 30 minutter kommer du deg hit fra blant annet Trondheim, Løkken, Lensvik, Kyrksæterøra, Melhus og E6 ved Klett. Fra Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes tar turen om lag 1 time. En kjøretur på et par timer tar deg hit fra blant annet Røros, Oppdal og Hitra.

Reiser du kollektivt? Det tar 2 minutter å gå fra skysstasjonen, som er Orkangers knutepunkt for buss. Hit går det hyppige bussavganger fra Trondheim, både med bussrute 310 og 410. Rutetider finner du hos ATB. Vi organiserer gjerne felles buss- eller minibusstransfer for din gruppe tur/retur Trondheim Sentrum, dersom du ønsker det.

Det er god parkeringsplass rett utenfor hotellet, og her står du gratis. I perioden mai – september tilbyr vi egen MC-parkering til de av våre gjester som reserverer en HUBriding hotellpakke. Vi tilbyr våre gjester lading av deres elbiler mot avgift, like utenfor hotelldøra.

Du kommer deg enkelt til og fra Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes fra Bårdshaug Herregård i bil, med buss eller med forhåndsreservert transfer. Vi hjelper deg gjerne med å reservere egnet transport til eller fra flyplassen. Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes er et knutepunkt for nasjonale, europeiske og asiatiske flyforbindelser.